Ingredients: Seedless watermelon Ginger root Lemons Water /ice Optional: Raw cane sugar, agave or other sweetener Belvedere Mango Vodka Vita fruite organic marguerita
#vegan #veganlife #brendanbrazier #thrive #cooking #environment #vegetarian #cookbook #health #love #fitness #crosstrain #yoga #triathlon Good Stuff Comin' Up! Whether you are #crosstraining and want to get your glutes kicked or ready for some meditation - these #yoga workshops are for you!
POWER YOGA – GLUTES, QUADS & CORE! Target those key points - #strengthtrain & #sweat thru #Vinyasa - Wed., July 23, 6:00pm - 7:00pm MEDITATION - focus the #mind and deepen the state of #relaxation - Thurs., July 31, 6:00pm - 7:00pm PLEASE REGISTER FOR WORKSHOPS 2 DAYS PRIOR #LIFETIMEFITNESS #yogaworkshops #crosstrain #yogafortriathletes #core #glutes #meditation #workout #triathletes #poweryoga I got a rant as a result from some recent witnessing of human behavior that surprised me... I've come to realize sadly there are tons of asshol... Ah hem ... People who don't believe in vanishing bees nor do they believe in hybrids or ozone destruction or recycling or protecting a balance between human "progress" and the natural environment. So much so they intentionally buy big petrol vehicles and snicker and bully vegetarians or environmentalists in they're own subtle or not so subtle ways and even throw plastic cups out their windows - yep - saw that the other day (?!) We still color our hair and use plastic bags one right after the other without a second thought ... The 'awareness' movement has been going on for so so long ... No one is going to be perfect, but with the concept of a penny saved is a penny earned, one Doritos bag not purchased at a time, we all *can* make a difference. It seems like a no brainier to me. Don't feed your kids crap, read labels (often bags will say if they're compostable), ... Learn about the impact one person can have on our collective environment. Our natural environment has so much beauty. Be the beauty you want to see in the world. I need to say "don't give up" - I gave up ... I'm back on track now - but you who never gave up, you're doing the right thing. You are the strong. Find more on my Facebook page Michelleleblancyoga Sign up today!!!! #kayak #adventure #yogafest #yorkville #naperville #chicago #suicideprevention #familyactivity #freehugs Or just come out for the day and visit the fest <3 One Love Y'all! Sneak Peek: Message or text so we can get you on the waiting / more info list!!!! #yoga #retreat #costaricayogaretreat #senseofsamadhi #yorkville #naperville #chicago #crosstrain #triathlon #familyfriendly #adventure |
January 2025