Falls under the category of “Things the history books in Illinois don’t teach you about when you’re growing up”: Juneteenth is one of them.
It’s no wonder so many people dive into conspiracy theories and alternative truths when the very parent government we’re meant to trust doesn’t give us the full story. It’s an age old angry tale for another day. Right now we’re celebrating freedom! Juneteenth is celebrated all around Austin, Texas pretty much from the beginning of June with preplanning parties and calendar invites starting in April and May. There are no negative vibes surrounding the celebrating of this heavy topic. It’s all about the joy of freedom and the vivaciousness of living life to the fullest. You're a do it yourself-er. You've got your business going - or maybe you have that rockstar idea.
But where to start? It is SO OVERWHELMING for most that popular accounting software programs that make the bold claim that it can do it all for you with automatic categorization, instant financial reports, and all you need to do is link your accounts! Blammo! Magic! But anyone who has tried this knows this is the fastest route to mind numbing amounts of confusion. This mythological biggest ball of tangled twine tourist stop on the road of life is now your reality. Well, I'm here to tell you there is hope and you CAN straighten out those books so that you will know:
Essential skills like riding with one hand and getting out of the saddle are harder to start when you're an adult.
First of all, your center of gravity is completely different. A student can feel heavier or that it's farther to fall when you're taller as an adult. Developing the confidence to move through the fears and find a new sense of balance and fun takes time and practice is the key! See more about essential skills here in past posts and newsletters! Many of my accounting and bookkeeping clients come to me because they've ignored their books for so long they just can't make heads or tails of it and the reports definitely aren't matching their checkbook.
Design Dog Tees initial set up was quick and clean. For me, it's such a pleasure to be able to bring someone peace of mind so they can continue doing A) What they love to do and B) What they're really good at! Plus, Dogs! Design Dog Tees does jobs for school fund raisers, events, families, and clubs. Like 4 Runners and Rock and Roll? Well - Design Dog has an Etsy account just for that too. Check out Design Dog Tees on Etsy. Now, on a personal level, you will never meet a kinder human being than Joe Emerick. Joe used to ride BMX and last week when I was there I was happy to know he was doing the work for the BMX Round Up held annually here in Austin. Rad Tees for a Rad Event. Now I know first hand this isn't how it's going to be with new clients. But keeping things simple is key. If you're having trouble with your software, ditch it. You can always come back to it later. Need to do monthly reconciliations? Use a spreadsheet - or worst case - use paper. Just make sure those bank accounts are balanced every month. As my friend used to say, Done and Dusted. Yep, it's a metaphor for life or whatever your might be working on right now. Sometimes it's scary. And sometimes it's success! Always fun to mess with AI, but not when you’re trying to straighten out your mess in Quickbooks! 🙂 Probably the #1 reason people come to me for accounting work is because their accounting software becomes incomprehensible. Most commonly:
Most people don't really know about or care about actual vs accrual methods of keeping track of money. Back in the day, we had a nice paper checkbook (cash or actual method) or accountants had a nice paper ledger book tracking all the incoming, outgoing, planned incoming (receivables - as used in accrual), and planned outgoing (payables - as used in accrual). We don't think much about fiscal year vs calendar year either - I mean for ourselves. Most of us just operate on a calendar year. End of story. Until we get a business going.
Oh, How far you'll go!What we cover in a Beginner-Intermediate lesson! Here are the highlights:
January 2025