Definitely one of my favorite books. This and Finding Ultra by Rich Roll - top two for sure. Love her and he's got a damn good story to tell as well.
Charming, Heartbreaking and Beautifully written. Met her the year they found Alex's body and were planning a trip to Nepal that April. Couldn't believe it when I read it in the paper. Lovely family.
Quintessential climbing and mountaineering book!
A bit repetitive and drawn out, but good details and insight. The man certainly does a bunch of stuff I'd never do. Interesting seeing his personal growth from arrogant ass to humble environmentalist with maturity - also reflective of a new generation and the changing view of the sport as he learns more and more of it's history and it's world perspective.
I love the way this introduces the ideas of making your own plan while still being disciplined - And the trend of possibilities.
Do not be discouraged by that horrible movie with the same title! The book is fabulous.
This guy is just funny. When you read this, you see the passion some have for the sport and learn how to live on ramen noodles!